
Do Angels Have Wings?

What do you think of when you think of angels? A halo? A harp? A robe? Maybe, but if you're like most people, you probably think of wings first. But...

On by Ken K 1 comment

What is a Pentacle or Pentagram?

The pentagram is an ancient symbol used by many cultures and has been around since the Stone Age (the time before humans started using metal to make tools). It is...

On by Norma Cheung 215 Comments

What Does the Moon Symbolize?

Some nights, when the moon is large and full, we marvel at its grandeur. Other nights, it seems small and inconspicuous, but one thing we are always aware of is...

On by Norma K 294 Comments

What Does the Om Symbol Mean?

The Sound of Om There's a sea of information that has already been written and spoken about this simple one-syllable, two-letter word. And that could be the easiest place to...

On by Ken K 207 Comments

Que symbolise un colibri ?

Les humains sont fascinés par les colibris depuis probablement toute l’histoire de l’humanité. Qu’est-ce qui nous captive tant chez ce petit oiseau ? Il y a en effet quelque chose...

On by Norma Cheung 315 Comments

Que symbolise une plume ?

Les plumes ont de nombreuses significations différentes, mais elles ont toujours été associées à la liberté, à la transcendance et à la communication avec les royaumes spirituels. Trouver des plumes...

On by Norma K 265 Comments