For everyday cleaning, a gentle rub with any jewelry polishing cloth is all that is needed to remove tarnish and restore a lustrous finish.

For more in-depth cleaning, please follow the directions below depending on the type of metal that needs cleaning:

***Please note: The cleaning directions below are not recommended for use with more fragile gemstones such as celestite or moonstone.

For Silver:

1. Take a piece of aluminum foil and loosely crinkle it up and place it in a ceramic bowl.
2. Sprinkle about a tablespoon of baking powder over the surface of the foil.
3. Boil enough hot water to mostly cover the foil and pour it into the bowl.
4. Place your silver jewelry pieces into the bowl, making sure that each piece is laying on top of the foil.
5. Wait 5-10 minutes. You will see that the tarnish has moved from the jewelry to the surface of the foil.
6. Take out the jewelry, rinse, and dry.
7. For added brightness, you can finish the cleaning with a silver polishing cloth.

For Copper:

1. Make a natural paste of an acid and an abrasive. Common combinations are lemon juice or vinegar and salt.
2. Use a soft toothbrush to gently brush the paste in a circular motion until the patina fades.
3. Rinse with water and dry thoroughly.
4. For extra shine, finish with a jewelry polishing cloth.
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