What Does a Hummingbird Symbolize?


Hummingbird visits have meaningHumans have been fascinated by hummingbirds for probably all of human history. What is it about this little bird that captivates us so?

There is indeed something magical about the hummingbird that makes it like no other creature on Earth. And it's not just our imagination - just look at some of the things this incredible bird can do:
  • Fly backwards, hover up and down, and go from flying full speed to an instant stop
  • Has wings that beat up to 80 times per second, creating an almost bee or insect-like humming sound
  • Has the smallest bird eggs in the world
  • The world's smallest bird is the bee hummingbird of Cuba, which measures a mere 5 centimeters from the tip of its beak to the end of its tail.

The tiny hummingbird reminds us of many important things. Have you ever been outside for a walk, perhaps feeling a bit tired and depressed, when suddenly, a hummingbird flits into your view?

hummingbird meaning significance

In the excitement of hearing its buzzing wings and seeing its rapid movements as it darts about looking for the next flower, you have momentarily forgotten what you were brooding about. It's as if the hummingbird was saying, "Hey, things aren't so bad. Lighten up - just look at all the beautiful flowers and sweet nectar we have yet to find!"

Hummingbirds, in their seemingly carefree and happy flight, remind us to live in the moment and enjoy life's simple pleasures. Also, because they often seem to appear out of nowhere, they remind us that joy is unpredictable and can often be just around the corner.

With their long, thin beaks, hummingbirds can reach beyond the tough, untasty parts of a flower to find the sweet nectar within. In this way, they remind us to always be seeking out what's good in life.

Hummingbirds are also a symbol of tenacity and endurance in the pursuit of our dreams because some hummingbirds are known to travel up to 2000 miles to reach their destination.

Furthermore, because of their unique ability to fly backwards, sideways and hover up and down, they remind us to stay adaptable and to accept the reality of change with a happy heart.biblical meaning of hummingbird

Have you ever thought that hummingbirds seem like something out of a fairytale? There is something magical about their colors, shape and the way their move, as if they are reminding us to seek out the magic in life.

Lastly, did you know that hummingbirds alone have the ability to fly moving their wings in the pattern of an infinity symbol (the figure 8)? In this way, they are a symbol of eternity, continuity and infinity.

The meaning of a hummingbird visit

Hummingbirds have a long history of folklore and symbolism in native cultures. The Aztecs saw them as messengers between them and their ancestors or the gods. In Native American culture, hummingbirds are seen as healers and bringers of love, good luck and joy.

tiny hummingbird necklace in sterling silver

In Central America, they are a sign of love and will bring love to the person who spots them.

While there is no direct mention of hummingbirds in the Bible, they are sometimes considered to be a messenger from Heaven, gently nudging us to move on and release the burden of people or things that have passed and can no longer be a part of our lives.

When a loved one has recently passed away, they may be a sign that the loved one has successfully made it to the other side and is doing just fine.

Some people also see them as signs from Angels, reminding us to follow what makes us happy and to enjoy the present moment.

Hummingbirds in Dreams

Seeing a hummingbird in your dreams may be a reminder to you to pay attention to the small or budding ideas in your mind. Like the little hummingbird, little ideas have the potential to become great things, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem.

hummingbird dream meaning

A hummingbird in your dream may also be a reminder for you to embrace your freedom and to trust in your instincts, just as a hummingbird lives and flies along, happy in her pursuit of the next sweet flower.


In the end, hummingbirds are a reminder that our happiness lies within us. Only when we accept that there are bitter parts to life, will we be able to allow our inner peace to grow, which in turn, gives us the freedom to enjoy the sweet side of life.

Just look at the tiny, insignificant hummingbird, who everyday finds delicious nectar deep within the tough, bitter parts of the flower.

And she does this joyfully. Though she must work to find food, she does it cheerfully, while humming with a happy heart.

hummingbird drinking nectar necklace

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Photo credits:

The picture of the hummingbird on a branch is by GuideYourPet (https://guideyourpet.com/where-to-hang-hummingbird-feeder/)

Hummingbird eggs photo by Yerandy1990 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons.


  • Posted on by Lynn Chong

    This cute little hummingbird love into my balcony on the 20th flr . It lingered for a few minutes before heading out. Seemed to be telling me, “Hey, keep it up gal!”

  • Posted on by Pamela McDaniels

    I have a hummingbird that comes to my door every day. I believe it’s my son in law sending a message to me to keep watch over his son💯

  • Posted on by GJ

    We were getting ready to leave on vacation we had 2 weeks left to take off. We had an electricity issue and our house burned. We were all really sad.. standing outside the house everything gone black.. nothing around the time was preety .. there’s wasn’t even flowers and it was cold weather. I was on my cell texting and my boyfriend told me look up there’s a humming bird and it took me a minute but I looked up. When I did the humming bird started at me for 4 seconds than looked at my bf looked back at me for a second time and the humming bird was gone. From that point on we tried to enjoy the fact we were going on vacation and that everything was going to be better. But it was like a sing from god, telling us not to worry not to panick. Things got better and ever since every time we see a humming bird. I have a feeling something good is going to happen.

  • Posted on by Marianne Mast

    We’re going through a lot of struggles right now husband’s in the hospital with health problems and we have to put the house up for sale. And move on to something smaller. Then I had a dream about this white hummingbird flying right on top of me while I was in bed but I was dreaming this. so I looked it up and hummingbirds are spiritual that just gave me a lift that I can go on through Life and look for sweetness .

  • Posted on by Ben

    Last night while visiting my wife grave, she past on sept 27, just a little more than a month ago. My kids and I were at the cemetery weeping, very sad, we took my wife some flowers, it was about 7pm, the cemetery is iluminated, we saw a humming bird, surrounding us, and going to the flowers, we used our phones light to see it better, it was not a moth, it is very chilly out here, it was very strange until I started reading this page. We were married for 18yrs of a beautiful marriage, our love was an amazing story, then she passed away due to cancer, living us in hoping every day to wake up and say it was all a nightmare. The hummingbird really made me feel better as we miss her with everything, she loved life more than I did, she was very happy, and always had a positive side to everything, gosh I miss my baby :(

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